June 26, 2008

May 29, 2008

What is hammerhead thinking?

We discussed proverbs and in particular the proverb our school is focussing on for Term 2
"Ka mate ururoa, kei mate wheke". The children were then asked to use an ICT tool of their choice to describe this proverb and what it means to them.

Hammerhead Thinking

What hammerhead thinking means to me is never give up when you have been put down, just give it your best. And whenever you have goals never stop until you achieve them. The
proverb is based on a fishing story. When the man wound up a wheke it gave up and then when he caught a hammerhead shark it never gave up, it kept fighting. So that’s what I think hammerhead thinking means.

By Wharehera

May 13, 2008

Proverbs Around the World

We researched proverbs from around the world and the countries they came from. We then pinned these proverbs to the right country on the world map. This was harder than it looks but we did it! The kids were great at using their initiative (problem solving) and helping each other out : )

May 1, 2008

What is a proverb?

This link shows our ideas: http://www.skrbl.com/73505841
about what a proverb is.